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Chojnowski enjoys superb Frankfurt bow

Silvana Chojnowski was thrilled after scoring a crucial goal to take 1. FFC Frankfurt past FC Malmö and into the semi-finals on her debut, and Kerstin Garefrekes paid tribute.

Chojnowski enjoys superb Frankfurt bow
Chojnowski enjoys superb Frankfurt bow ©UEFA.com

Silvana Chojnowski, aged 17, could not have hoped for a better 1. FFC Frankfurt debut as she was brought off the bench with ten minutes to go with the aggregate score dead level in their UEFA Women's Champions League quarter-final against FC Malmö, and as the clock ticked into added time she scored.

Kerstin Garefrekes had previously cancelled out Malmö's 1-0 first-leg advantage and at the death headed in again for a 3-1 aggregate win, and both scorers reflected on earning a semi-final with Arsenal LFC while Ramona Bachmann and Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir rued missed chances before the break for the visitors.

Silvana Chojnowski, Frankfurt forward
Of course I had hoped for this, but it is extra nice to score a goal in such an important game. I am an attacking player so from time to time I score, and I am very happy that it worked out that way today.

[Before being brought in the coach told me] to go full-throttle in attack, run non-stop and get shots on goal.  It was a surprise when I was brought on. I don't know yet if I will be there against Arsenal - the coach has to make that decision. It would be very good if I could score another goal there as well.

Kerstin Garefrekes, Frankfurt midfielder
We worked really hard as a team for those goals and we did so over the entire match. We had tried to score in the first leg but it did not work out, but this time we believed we could do it until the very last minute, and then it was a co-production between young and old players. It doesn't matter who scores the goals, it only matters that the ball goes in.

Malmö tried to prevent those goals and they have a very good keeper, who had already played well in the first leg and today in the first half. Opponents always tried to make things as hard as possible for us and we cannot take every chance we create. I hope that scoring goals will come easier for us after today's match.

[Chojnowski] is a very, very young player who is also very talented. Last year, she suffered back problems and is now on her way to recovery. She will now slowly and carefully be built up and I hope that she stays injury-free so she can develop to the full.

Arsenal are a typical English side, who made a spectacular signing with Kelly Smith. [Having lost every previous away leg this season,] we wish things had gone differently, and hope it will be different in the next round - maybe we can win both matches.

Ramona Bachmann, Malmö striker
Frankfurt are a super team and today we did not manage to do what we did in the first half of the first leg. We did not put pressure on them and if you allow such a strong side to play, then it is really difficult.

We had two, three smaller opportunities in the first half. Had we taken those, maybe the game would have gone differently. In the end, whoever scores wins. If you do not put opponents under pressure right from the beginning and allow them too much space, it is difficult to control them. You have to run a lot and you get tired.

We went out against very strong opponents. It was Malmö's first experience of the Champions League and we can do better next time. Frankfurt and Lyon are now the favourites for me - that would also be an exciting final.

Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir, Malmö midfielder
It is tough to concede these goals in such a short space of time, but they were better than us today and deserved to win. We had our chances in the first half. If we had taken those, we would have had a different outcome.

It is great to have reached the last eight, but we wanted to get further. We are pleased with our performance. You play against the best teams and the best players in this competition. It is a good experience for us, and we will hopefully have it again.

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